"I heard from several people that cycling the Dempster Highway to Inuvik was one of the best cycle trips in the world"
says Brad McCartney an adventure cyclist, hiker, photographer and nature enthusiast from Australia in his online blog.
"But how did it compare to the Dalton highway. Better roads, less hills, less traffic, more facilities along the way for travellers and stunning scenery. I found out they were right"
Read more about McCartney's trip & tips for riding the Dempster Highway here at HikeBikeSafari.Com
Mirjam aka CyclingDutchGirl writes about her own epic winter cycling adventure along the Dempster Highway in a series of blog posts complete with travel tips for cyclists ready to hit the highway. Read more here.
Watch & Listen as she stops to hear only the sound of snowflakes on her solo journey.
As of November 15, 2017 the new Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway will now connect Canada coast to coast to Arctic Coast. This all-season highway will begin in Inuvik, Northwest Territories and wind through the expanding tundra and permafrost out to the Beaufort Sea and the community of Tuktoyaktuk.
Read More about driving Canada's Newest & Only Road to the Arctic Ocean.
For more information on planning your adventure ride of a lifetime click here