“Be there, don’t just get there,”
says adventure motorcycle rider Oliver Solaro of the northern grandeur that is the Yukon (and Northwest Territories) and of time spent on one of its most famous roads, the Dempster Highway.
“I’m not kidding,” Solaro continues. “There is actual physical nourishment in the air up there. It’s such an experience. It’s very difficult to fully take in the beauty and incredibleness of the Dempster Highway and the surrounding scenery, and whether you do it by ATV, car, motorcycle or bicycle, you have to stop frequently – don’t try to just add on the miles. You’ll be doing yourself a disservice.”
Read more about Solaro's trip & tips for riding the Dempster Highway here at MotorcycleMojo Magazine
One Wheel Drive post about their own Arctic Adventures along the Dempster Highway in a series of articles complete with travel tips for Motorcycle riders ready to hit the highway. Read more here
Watch the One Wheel Drive Arctic Adventure Video Series here
Download Motorcycle Brochure here
As of November 15, 2017 the new Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway will now connect Canada coast to coast to Arctic Coast. This all-weather all-season highway will begin in Inuvik, Northwest Territories and wind through the expanding tundra and permafrost out to the Beaufort Sea and the community of Tuktoyaktuk.
Read More about driving Canada's Newest & Only Road to the Arctic Ocean.
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